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Unique Upgraded
Archon Plate
Dark Soul [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 427)
15 - 30% Faster Cast Rate
1 - 2 to All Skills
Damage Reduced by 7 - 15%
All Resistances +25 - 50
20 - 40% Increase Maximum Life
20 - 40% Faster Hit Recovery
10 - 20 to Strength
7 - 15 Replenish Life
225 - 450% Enhanced Defense
15 - 33% Chance of Crushing Blow
10% Chance to cast level 20 Fade when struck
Xem công thức CUBE
Darkglow [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 428)
100 - 200 Defense
12 - 25% Faster Cast Rate
1 - 2 to All Skills
12 - 25% to Fire Skill Damage
20 - 40% Increase Maximum Life
All Resistances +10 - 20
5 - 10% Faster Hit Recovery
12 - 25 to Enemy Fire Resistance
150 - 300 to Minimum Fire Damage
Xem công thức CUBE
Bone Visage
Nethercrow [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 429)
20% Chance to cast level 10 Venom when struck
15 - 30% Increased Attack Speed
7 - 15% Chance of Crushing Blow
150 - 300% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +12 - 25
12 - 25 to Enemy Physical Resistance
15 - 30% Faster Run/Walk
1 - 2 Socketed
20 - 40% Increase Maximum Life
7 - 15 to Strength
Xem công thức CUBE
Vampirebone Gloves
Goreshovel [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 431)
1 - 2 to All Skills
10 - 20% Faster Cast Rate
15 - 30% Faster Hit Recovery
7 - 15 to Strength
All Resistances +10 - 20
20 - 40% Increase Maximum Mana
Damage Reduced by 6 - 12%
Xem công thức CUBE
Shake [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 433)
100 - 200 Defense
12 - 25% Faster Cast Rate
1 - 2 to All Skills
12 - 25% to Poison Skill Damage
All Resistances +10 - 20
12 - 25 to Enemy Poison Resistance
15 - 30% Increase Maximum Life
10 - 20 to Life (Based on Character Level)
10 - 20% Faster Hit Recovery
Xem công thức CUBE
Troll Belt
Ghost Belt [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 434)
1 - 2 to All Skills
125 - 250 Defense vs. Missile
8 - 17% Faster Cast Rate
5 - 10% Increase Maximum Life
11 - 22 to Mana after each Kill
10 - 20 Regenerate Mana
8 Attacker Takes Damage of (Based on Character Level)
8% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level)
Magic Damage Reduced by 7 - 15
50 - 100 to Life
Xem công thức CUBE
Myrmidon Greaves
Zeus's Boot [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 435)
100 - 200 Defense vs. Missile
20 - 45% Faster Run/Walk
15 - 30% Faster Hit Recovery
10 - 20% Increase Maximum Mana
10 - 20 Replenish Life
-25 - -50 Requirements
1 - 2 to All Skills
Damage Reduced by 5 - 10%
All Resistances +10 - 20
Xem công thức CUBE
Archon Plate
Diablo's Soul [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 438)
10 - 20 Life after each Kill
+1-1 to Teleport
Damage Reduced by 6 - 12%
All Resistances +20 - 40
1 - 3 to All Skills
22 - 55% Faster Run/Walk
25 - 50% Increase Maximum Life
155% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
15% Chance to cast level 37 War Cry when struck
250 - 500% Enhanced Defense
3 to Strength (Based on Character Level)
Xem công thức CUBE
Ogre Gauntlets
Steelrend [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 441)
50 - 100% Enhanced Defense
Slows Target by 15 - 30
7 - 15% Chance of Open Wounds
10 - 20% Chance of Crushing Blow
-25 - -50 Requirements
75 - 150% Enhanced damage
10 - 20 to Strength
15 - 30% Increased Attack Speed
5 - 10 to Maximum Poison Resist
1 - 2 to All Skills
Xem công thức CUBE
Myrmidon Greaves
Shadowkiller [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 468)
75 - 150% Enhanced Defense
25 - 45% Faster Run/Walk
15 - 30% Faster Hit Recovery
20 - 40 to Dexterity
+1-3 to Dragon Talon (Assassin Only)
-35 - -75 Requirements
333 - 750 Kick Damage
1 - 3 to Shadow Discipline Skills
10 - 20% Chance of Open Wounds
10 - 20% Chance of Crushing Blow
12 - 25 Faster Hit Recovery
Xem công thức CUBE
Crown of Age [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 477)
1 - 2 to All Skills
25 - 50% Faster Hit Recovery
100 - 200% Enhanced Defense
200 - 400 Defense
32 to Life (Based on Character Level)
All Resistances +15 - 50
Damage Reduced by 11 - 20%
-35 - -75 Requirements
1 - 2 Socketed
Xem công thức CUBE
Dusk Shroud
Ormus' Robes [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 478)
5 to Vitality (Based on Character Level)
12 - 25% Faster Cast Rate
10 - 20% to Fire Skill Damage
12 - 20% to Cold Skill Damage
10 - 20% to Lightning Skill Damage
15 - 20 Regenerate Mana
1 - 2 to Sorceress Skill Levels
All Resistances +15 - 30
+36-60 to Unsummon
+1-1 to Warmth
5 to Energy (Based on Character Level)
Xem công thức CUBE
Griffon's Eye [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 479)
100 - 200 Defense
12 - 25% Faster Cast Rate
1 - 2 to All Skills
12 - 25% to Lightning Skill Damage
12 - 25 to Enemy Lightning Resistance
All Resistances +10 - 20
5 - 10% Faster Hit Recovery
20 - 40% Increase Maximum Life
200 - 500 to Minimum Lightning Damage
Xem công thức CUBE
Spired Helm
Nightwing's Veil [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 490)
1 - 2 to All Skills
250 - 500 to Minimum Cold Damage
10 - 20% Faster Hit Recovery
15 - 30% to Cold Skill Damage
100 - 200 Defense
100 - 200 to Life
All Resistances +10 - 20
-25 - -50 Requirements
Damage Reduced by 7 - 15%
Xem công thức CUBE
Heirophant Trophy
Homunculus [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 492)
1 - 2 to Necromancer Skill Levels
15 - 30% Increased Chance of Blocking
15 - 35% Faster Run/Walk
Level 5 Concentration Aura When Equipped(1-10)
100 - 200% Bonus to Summon's Life
10 - 20% Faster Hit Recovery
All Resistances +10 - 20
25 - 40% Increase Maximum Life
Xem công thức CUBE
Slayer Guard
Arreat's Face [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 493)
1 - 2 to Barbarian Skill Levels
1 - 3 to Masteries Skills
100 - 200% Enhanced Defense
15 - 30% Faster Hit Recovery
30 - 75% Bonus to Attack Rating
10 - 25% Faster Cast Rate
1 - 2 Socketed
10 - 20 to Dexterity
All Resistances +15 - 30
25 - 45 Requirements
5 - 15 Life stolen per hit
Xem công thức CUBE
Earth Spirit
Spiritkeeper [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 495)
1 - 3 to Druid Skill Levels
1 - 3 to Elemental Skills
15 - 35% Faster Cast Rate
15 - 30% Faster Hit Recovery
250 - 500% Enhanced Defense
10 - 20 to Strength
12 - 25% to Cold Skill Damage
Damage Reduced by 150 - 300
Damage Reduced by 12 - 25%
100 - 200 to Life
+221-250 to Unsummon
Xem công thức CUBE
Dream Spirit
Jalal's Mane [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 496)
1 - 2 to Druid Skill Levels
1 - 2 to Shape-Shifting Skills
100 - 200 to Life
15 - 30% Faster Hit Recovery
15 - 35% Faster Run/Walk
40 - 80% Bonus to Attack Rating
111 - 200% Enhanced Defense
12 - 25% to Poison Skill Damage
12 - 25 to Enemy Poison Resistance
1 - 2 Socketed
10 - 20 to Energy
Xem công thức CUBE
Blood Spirit
Cerebus [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 498)
1 - 2 to Druid Skill Levels
1 - 2 to Shape-Shifting Skills
15 - 30% Increased Attack Speed
15 - 30% Faster Hit Recovery
250 - 500% Bonus to Attack Rating
150 - 300% Enhanced damage
111 - 200% Enhanced Defense
10 - 20 Deadly Strike
100 - 200 to Life
+221-250 to Unsummon
All Resistances +15 - 30
Xem công thức CUBE
Sky Spirit
Ravenlore [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 499)
2 - 5 to Elemental Skills
15 - 35% Faster Cast Rate
25 - 50 to Enemy Fire Resistance
35 - 70% to Fire Skill Damage
111 - 200% Enhanced Defense
+5-10 to Oak Sage
+5-10 to Raven
200 - 550 to Life
15 - 30 to Energy
Xem công thức CUBE
Sacred Armor
Tyrael's Might [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 504)
1 Indestructible
Level 7 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped(1-15)
25 - 50% Faster Hit Recovery
25 - 50% Faster Run/Walk
15 - 30% Faster Block Rate
250 - 500% Enhanced Defense
110 - 400% Enhanced damage
20 - 40% Increase Maximum Life
Damage Reduced by 15 - 30%
1 Cannot Be Frozen
-50 - -100 Requirements
Xem công thức CUBE
Battle Guantlets
Lavagout [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 543)
1 - 2 to All Skills
10 - 20% Increase Maximum Life
Damage Reduced by 4 - 8%
1 Knockback
7 - 15 to Enemy Fire Resistance
All Resistances +10 - 20
Level 5 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped(1-15)
25% Chance to cast level 12 Firestorm on attack
20% Chance to cast level 10 Enchant on striking
5 - 15% Faster Block Rate
Xem công thức CUBE
Souldrain [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 544)
7 - 15 Magic Resist
10 - 20% Faster Cast Rate
100 - 200 +%d magic damage
25 - 50 to Magic Skill Damage
10 - 20 to Enemy Magic Resistance
All Resistances +10 - 20
60 - 120% Enhanced Defense
4 - 7 to Mana after each Kill
1 - 2 to All Skills
10 - 20% Increased Attack Speed
5 - 15% Faster Block Rate
Xem công thức CUBE
Demonhide Gloves
Venom Grip [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 545)
Level 5 Cleansing Aura When Equipped(1-10)
30% Chance to cast level 20 Poison Nova when struck
10 - 20% Increased Attack Speed
10 - 20% Faster Cast Rate
12 - 20% to Poison Skill Damage
10 - 20 to Enemy Poison Resistance
15 - 30 Poison Resist
1 - 2 to All Skills
5 - 15% Faster Block Rate
Xem công thức CUBE
Mithril Coil
Verdugo's Hearty Cord [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 546)
20% Chance to cast level 25 Venom on striking
125 - 250% Enhanced Defense
10 - 20% Increased Attack Speed
7 - 15% Faster Hit Recovery
4 - 9 Life stolen per hit
10 - 20 Replenish Life
11 - 20 to Strength
10 - 20% Increase Maximum Mana
Damage Reduced by 5 - 15%
Slows Target by 10 - 20
3 to Light Radius
Xem công thức CUBE
War Belt
Thudergod's Vigor [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 547)
100 - 200% Enhanced Defense
10 - 15 to Enemy Lightning Resistance
7 - 15% to Lightning Skill Damage
20 - 40 Lightning Resist
15 - 30 to Vitality
15 - 30 to Strength
11 - 20 Lightning Absorb
5 - 10 to Maximum Lightning Resist
Xem công thức CUBE
Battle Belt
Snowclash [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 548)
35% Chance to cast level 1 Blizzard when struck
10 - 20 Cold Absorb
5 - 10 to Maximum Cold Resist
120 - 240 to Minimum Cold Damage
127 - 250 Defense vs. Missile
+1-3 to Blizzard (Sorceress Only)
+1-3 to Chilling Armor (Sorceress Only)
+1-3 to Cold Mastery (Sorceress Only)
5 - 15% to Cold Skill Damage
20 - 40 Cold Resist
Xem công thức CUBE
Demonhide Boots
Infernostride [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 549)
33 - 77 to Minimum Fire Damage
20 - 40% Faster Run/Walk
5 - 10 to Maximum Fire Resist
25 - 50 Fire Resist
6 - 15 to Enemy Fire Resistance
10 - 20 Fire Absorb
11 - 20% Faster Hit Recovery
+10-20 to Blaze (Sorceress Only)
Xem công thức CUBE
Battle Boots
Wartraveler [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 550)
+4-8 to Vigor (Paladin Only)
20 - 40 to Strength
75 - 150 Defense vs. Missile
20 - 40 to Vitality
6 - 15 Replenish Life
40 - 80% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
11 - 20 Deadly Strike
11 - 20 to Minimum Damage
20 - 40 to Maximum Damage
Xem công thức CUBE
Sacred Armor
Templar's Might [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 566)
200 - 450% Enhanced Defense
25 - 50% Faster Hit Recovery
300 - 600 Defense vs. Missile
1 - 3 to All Skills
10 to Maximum Fire Resist
20% Chance to cast level 10 Iron Maiden when struck
Damage Reduced by 12 - 25%
6 - 12 to Vitality (Based on Character Level)
Attacker Takes Damage of 20 - 40
1 Cannot Be Frozen
Xem công thức CUBE
Archon Plate
Mephisto's Soul [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 577)
10 - 25% Faster Hit Recovery
10 - 25% Increased Chance of Blocking
Damage Reduced by 6 - 12%
All Resistances +20 - 40
1 - 2 to All Skills
10 - 20% Increase Maximum Mana
25 - 50% Increase Maximum Life
25% Chance to cast level 20 Frozen Armor when struck
250 - 500% Enhanced Defense
100 - 500 to Minimum Cold Damage
Xem công thức CUBE
Archon Plate
Duriel's Soul [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 578)
10 - 25% Faster Hit Recovery
10 - 25% Increased Chance of Blocking
Damage Reduced by 6 - 12%
All Resistances +20 - 40
1 - 2 to All Skills
10 - 20% Increase Maximum Mana
25 - 50% Increase Maximum Life
25% Chance to cast level 20 Bone Armor when struck
250 - 500% Enhanced Defense
100 - 500 +%d magic damage
Xem công thức CUBE
Harlequin [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 579)
1 - 3 to All Skills
24 to Life (Based on Character Level)
24 to Mana (Based on Character Level)
50 - 100% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Damage Reduced by 7 - 15%
1 - 5 to Maximum Resist (Fire/Cold/Lightning/Poison)
2 - 10 to Strength
5 - 25 to Enemy Fire Resistance
02 Socketed
Xem công thức CUBE
Archon Plate
Andariel's Soul [Upgraded]
Armor - (ID: 580)
10 - 25% Faster Hit Recovery
10 - 25% Increased Chance of Blocking
Damage Reduced by 6 - 12%
All Resistances +20 - 40
1 - 2 to All Skills
10 - 20% Increase Maximum Mana
25 - 50% Increase Maximum Life
25% Chance to cast level 33 Static Field when struck
250 - 500% Enhanced Defense
100 - 500 to Minimum Fire Damage
Xem công thức CUBE